
Ute Coujad

3.8.-29.8.2024 Fotoausstellung:  Sinjar, My Soul, To You I Belong

Sinjar, My Soul, To You I Belong nimmt uns mit auf eine…

Buchveröffentlichung „Antisemitismus in und aus der Türkei“ – Jetzt erschienen!

Gemeinsam herausgegeben von: Interkulturelle Werkstatt (ikw e.V.), TürkeiEuropaZentrum an der Universität Hamburg und der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg. Das Buch ist gegen 5 € Schutzgebühr erhältlich im Infoladen der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg

3. August: Gedenken zum zehnten Jahrestag des Genozids an den Êzîdinnen und Êzîden

Am Morgen des 3. August 2014 überfallen Kämpfer des sogenannten…
Nudem is standing in the driveway of her family home in Balad Sinjar, also known as Sinjar City. The city is still partly desroyed and many of teh neighbors did not return. She is the youngest child in the Awsman family. When her family had to leave their village to flee to the mountains, she was just one year old. Their village was then destroyed by the so-called Islamic State. Since their return 8 months ago they have lived in the house of their aunt who was killed by the terrorist group. In the house you can still find traces of the former inhabitants of ISIS as they broke the brick walls to move between houses without being seen from the streets. A big grey plastered stain in the living room remained.Miriam Stanke